FYF 46: Travel for Free: Beginner Travel Hacking Tips with Julia Menez from Geobreeze

Want to travel to Hawaii for free? It’s possible with travel hacking (both Julia and I have done it)! Julia Menez is a travel hacking coach, speaker, and founder of Geobreeze. After traveling to more than 30 countries before the age of 30 and saving thousands of dollars each year by travel hacking, Julia uses […]

FYF 44: Retired From Full-Time Work at 29 with Lauren Keys from Trip of a Lifestyle

What does it mean to be semi-retired? Lauren Keys is semi-retired and covers her living expenses on a part-time income. She’s taken multiple mini-retirements on her path to financial independence, in order to travel and try out her ideal lifestyle. [fusebox_track_player url=”https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.com/secure/findyourfreedom/044-3.mp3″ twitter_username=”fyf_podcast” ]  Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Castbox, or on your favorite […]

FYF 43: Taking a Year Off to Travel: How to Plan a Mini-Retirement

Want to take a year off from work to travel? You can make this happen by taking a mini-retirement. Mini-retirements are career breaks, after which you intend to return to work. We discuss the details of planning and preparing for a mini-retirement in this episode, and Becky shares her mini-retirement plans. [fusebox_track_player url=”https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.com/secure/findyourfreedom/43_Mini_Retirement_03_filters.mp3″ twitter_username=”fyf_podcast” ] […]

FYF 17: Quarantined Abroad: COVID’s Impact on Nomads & Full-Time Travelers

Stuck in Cambodia and quarantined in Australia – these are the stories of two nomads who were abroad when Coronavirus became a global health pandemic. I checked back in with Alicia Walter from The Passport Couple (Episode 8) and Michelle from Frugality and Freedom (Episode 6), who were both previously interviewed on the podcast. [fusebox_track_player […]

FYF 012: How to Become a Freelance Writer with Six-Figure Freelancer Miranda Marquit

Miranda Marquit shares a realistic take on what freelancing is like, powerful tips for building a lucrative freelancing business, and how freelancing can be the perfect career path for building a flexible freedom lifestyle.[fusebox_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/findyourfreedom/012-8_Miranda_Complete.mp3″ twitter_username=”fyf_podcast” ]  Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Castbox, or on your favorite podcast platform. Today’s Guest Miranda Marquit from […]

FYF 007: Create a Life You Love: The Ultimate Guide to Lifestyle Design

You can live the life of your dreams, right now! That’s right, you don’t have to defer the gratification of pursuing your ideal lifestyle until you’re retired. Lifestyle design is intentionally creating a set of circumstances that allow you to live the way you want to, in full alignment with your values and priorities. [smart_track_player […]

FYF 006: Traveling 6 Months A Year in Semi-Retirement with Michelle from Frugality and Freedom

Traveling 6 months a year is possible, even while pursuing financial independence! Michelle shares how she designed her lifestyle through mini-retirements and semi-retirements to travel to 40 countries. If you want to travel the world and design your lifestyle, you can’t miss this episode. [fusebox_track_player url=”https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.com/secure/findyourfreedom/005_FIRE_Basics_FINAL.mp3″ twitter_username=”fyf_podcast” ] Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Castbox, […]