Want to achieve your new year’s resolutions? To be part of the 8% of people who actually achieve their goals, you’ll have to do something differently. [fusebox_track_player url=”https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.com/secure/findyourfreedom/47_goal_setting_02.mp3″ twitter_username=”fyf_podcast” ] Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Castbox, or on your favorite podcast platform. Today’s Topic 8 Steps to Setting Goals You’ll Actually Achieve With Becky […]
lifestyle design
FYF 45: How To Make a Vision Board That Actually Works
Create a life you love. Having a vision board is a great way to make this happen! In this episode, we dive deep into how to set intentions that help your vision come to life. I’ll guide you through exercises to help you define your core values, create a vision of your ideal life, and […]
FYF 44: Retired From Full-Time Work at 29 with Lauren Keys from Trip of a Lifestyle
What does it mean to be semi-retired? Lauren Keys is semi-retired and covers her living expenses on a part-time income. She’s taken multiple mini-retirements on her path to financial independence, in order to travel and try out her ideal lifestyle. [fusebox_track_player url=”https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.com/secure/findyourfreedom/044-3.mp3″ twitter_username=”fyf_podcast” ] Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Castbox, or on your favorite […]
FYF 43: Taking a Year Off to Travel: How to Plan a Mini-Retirement
Want to take a year off from work to travel? You can make this happen by taking a mini-retirement. Mini-retirements are career breaks, after which you intend to return to work. We discuss the details of planning and preparing for a mini-retirement in this episode, and Becky shares her mini-retirement plans. [fusebox_track_player url=”https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.com/secure/findyourfreedom/43_Mini_Retirement_03_filters.mp3″ twitter_username=”fyf_podcast” ] […]
FYF 42: How I Took 2 Mini-Retirements By Age 25 with Marjolein from Radical FIRE
Do you want to take a few months off from work? You can do this with a mini-retirement. Marjolein from Radical FIRE has taken 2 mini-retirements so far, and she’s only 25 years old! She traveled for several months around South America, once solo and once with her partner. [fusebox_track_player url=”https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.com/secure/findyourfreedom/042-4.mp3″ twitter_username=”fyf_podcast” ] Listen to […]
FYF 30: Low-Budget Lifestyle Design with Moriah Chace from Our Table For Two
Don’t earn much but still want to live a life you love? Moriah Chace has figured out lifestyle design on a small budget. She is just 22 years old, and has already paid off a lot of student debt, saved a year’s worth of expenses, and moved across the country to start a new career. […]
FYF 27: Balancing Financial Independence and Lifestyle Design
It’s possible to enjoy your journey to financial independence. You can use the incremental financial freedoms that you gain along the way to incorporate aspects of your ideal life into your life now. Lifestyle design is an important component of creating an enjoyable and sustainable path to financial independence. [fusebox_track_player url=”https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.com/secure/findyourfreedom/027-3.mp3″ twitter_username=”fyf_podcast” ]Listen to the […]
Balancing Financial Independence and Lifestyle Design
Financial independence and lifestyle design are compatible topics that are often seen as at odds with each other. However, financial independence and lifestyle design do not have to be consecutive goals, where you design your lifestyle after achieving financial independence. Rather, they are goals that should be pursued simultaneously. Most people pursue financial independence and […]
FYF 26: Live Your Ideal Life Before Retirement with Jessica from the Fioneers
Don’t wait until you retire to start doing things you love. As you save money towards retirement, there are ways to use your incremental financial freedom to start living your ideal lifestyle now. Jessica from the Fioneers shares the concept of SlowFI, and how it allows you to utilize the financial freedom you gain along […]
FYF 22: Work from Home Forever & Get Your Boss on Board with Ms. Mod from Modest Millionaires
Keep working from home even after coronavirus is over! Here’s exactly how to negotiate full-time working from home (WFH) with your boss. Ms. Mod from Modest Millionaires is a Canadian mom who turned her government position into a remote job in 2018 so she could spend more time with her young kids. [fusebox_track_player url=”https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.com/secure/findyourfreedom/022-320Ms20Mod.mp3″ twitter_username=”fyf_podcast” […]
FYF 18: Retire Early to Travel the Globe with Stephanie & Gillian from Our Freedom Years
Getting stuck in Italy during the coronavirus is not what this couple expected when they retired early in October 2019 and set off to slow travel Europe. Stephanie and Gillian from Our Freedom years moved from Canada to Singapore and lived as expats for 6 years. During this time, they created a budget, ran the […]
FYF 17: Quarantined Abroad: COVID’s Impact on Nomads & Full-Time Travelers
Stuck in Cambodia and quarantined in Australia – these are the stories of two nomads who were abroad when Coronavirus became a global health pandemic. I checked back in with Alicia Walter from The Passport Couple (Episode 8) and Michelle from Frugality and Freedom (Episode 6), who were both previously interviewed on the podcast. [fusebox_track_player […]
FYF 16: Retiring Early in a Recession with A Purple Life
Should you give up on early retirement? A Purple Life was planning to retire later this year at the age of 30, with a portfolio of $500,000. All of a sudden, there is a global pandemic and economic downturn, and her portfolio is not likely to reach half a million this year. Purple shares whether […]
FYF 012: How to Become a Freelance Writer with Six-Figure Freelancer Miranda Marquit
Miranda Marquit shares a realistic take on what freelancing is like, powerful tips for building a lucrative freelancing business, and how freelancing can be the perfect career path for building a flexible freedom lifestyle.[fusebox_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/findyourfreedom/012-8_Miranda_Complete.mp3″ twitter_username=”fyf_podcast” ] Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Castbox, or on your favorite podcast platform. Today’s Guest Miranda Marquit from […]
FYF 011: Plan Your Escape: Everything You Need to Do Before Quitting Your Job
Be 100% prepared before you quit your job. Becky walks you step-by-step through calculating your money runway, considering the best (and most lucrative) time to give your notice, and planning every single task you need to complete before and after quitting your job. [fusebox_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/findyourfreedom/011-2_Solo.mp3″ twitter_username=”fyf_podcast” ]Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Castbox, or on […]
FYF 009: Taking the Leap: Quit Your Job To Do What You Love
Thinking about quitting your job to work for yourself, retire early, or just get out of a crappy job you hate? I took the leap in January of this year, and spill all the details in this episode about how I made the decision (and what alternatives I considered) to finally leave my job and […]
FYF 008: Say Bye to Your Boss: Quit Your Job & Work For Yourself with Alicia Walter
Want to work for yourself instead of someone else? So did Alicia, so she quit her job at age 23 to work on her side hustles full time. Now, she’s traveling the world full-time with her partner Nate. [fusebox_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/findyourfreedom/008-4_Complete_compressed_.mp3″ twitter_username=”fyf_podcast” ] Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Castbox, or on your favorite podcast platform. […]
FYF 007: Create a Life You Love: The Ultimate Guide to Lifestyle Design
You can live the life of your dreams, right now! That’s right, you don’t have to defer the gratification of pursuing your ideal lifestyle until you’re retired. Lifestyle design is intentionally creating a set of circumstances that allow you to live the way you want to, in full alignment with your values and priorities. [smart_track_player […]
FYF 006: Traveling 6 Months A Year in Semi-Retirement with Michelle from Frugality and Freedom
Traveling 6 months a year is possible, even while pursuing financial independence! Michelle shares how she designed her lifestyle through mini-retirements and semi-retirements to travel to 40 countries. If you want to travel the world and design your lifestyle, you can’t miss this episode. [fusebox_track_player url=”https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.com/secure/findyourfreedom/005_FIRE_Basics_FINAL.mp3″ twitter_username=”fyf_podcast” ] Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Castbox, […]
FYF 001: How I got into $100k of debt and back out again: Becky’s journey to freedom
You may have heard a bit about my story – the one where I got into $100,000 of debt by age 21. But you haven’t heard the whole story. Now, that changes. I’m telling all in this episode of the Find Your Freedom Podcast. Episode 1 is all about my personal financial journey. I’ll be […]