Take a stand with me against the violence, racism and police brutality that the black community in America has faced for far too long. I encourage you to not only listen, and learn, but to also take action against racial injustice. Black Lives Matter. Below are a few resources to get started. Please comment if […]
black lives matter
Black Lives Matter: A Letter to the TwentyFree Community
Dear reader, I am protesting against the violence, racism and police brutality that the black community in America has faced for far too long. I want to make it very clear – Black Lives Matter. I will not tolerate any racism in my community, and I promise to use my platform to discuss and spread […]
A Note to White Allies
Fellow white allies – we MUST speak up. Being afraid to say the wrong thing often means we don’t say anything, and we don’t take risks to use our power to stand up for those with less power. This silence then upholds the very power dynamic that makes our voices as allies so important. That’s […]