Refinery29: How Much Money Do You Really Need To Quit Your Job?
Earnest: How One Woman Paid Off $68,000 in Student Loans in 2 Years
Retirement Investments: Best Investing Tips For Beginners – 25 Finance Experts Share Their Advice
Wealthtender: Personal Finance Apps Used by Personal Finance Experts
Podcast Business Journal: How Podcasters Use Business Credit Cards
Advisor News: What Retirement Looks Like for Dreamers and Entrepreneurs
Wealthtender: Smart Ways Women Can Own Their Financial Power

Your Money Geek: 16 of the Best Financial Podcasts to Learn About Money
Wealthtender: The Best And Worst Ways to Use Your Credit Cards
Radical FIRE: 11 Best Money & Personal Finance Podcasts To Teach You in 2020
Handful of Thoughts: Money Motto – Why You Need One
The Dragons on FIRE: Find Your Freedom Podcast Guest (insight on the podcast from an interviewee)
Wealth of Geeks: What Retirement Looks Like For Dreamers and Entrepreneurs
11th Annual Plutus Awards: Best New Personal Finance Podcast (Find Your Freedom)
Infinity Blog Awards: Best Personal Finance Blog 2019
Life Rebalanced Podcast: Lifestyle by Design with Becky Blake Becky from the Find Your Freedom podcast joins Donna to chat about how she’s successfully designed a life of financial freedom, is currently pursuing her entrepreneurial and travel dreams, and consistency in areas of health, happiness, and purpose – all by 26 years old. Becky strongly relies on goal setting, her journaling practice, and making decisions in alignment with her 4 core values, but also allows for flexibility with her expectations and timelines.
The Money Nerds Podcast: Paying off $75K in less than 2 years
Becky talk about her background with personal finance, choices she would have approached differently if she could go back, finding herself in $100,000 of debt and exactly what she did to pay off $75K in less than 2 years, mental and emotional side of financial sacrifices, considering your core values when planning your life, potential problems with the deferred life plan.
Nomad on Fire Podcast: Episode #18
Becky discusses her FIRE story, her student loan payoff journey, self-employment, travel, the nomadic lifestyle and so much more!
Inspire to FIRE Podcast: Starting Your Own Business Using Virtual Assistants
Becky shares how she took the leap of starting her own business right before the pandemic. She discusses what gave her the courage to leave her stable corporate job in pursuit of entrepreneurship, and how she uses virtual assistants to leverage her time efficiently.
The Joney Talks Podcast: How to land a promotion every single year at your job and how to live according to your values through lifestyle design with Becky
Becky shares how she negotiated her salary to earn 25% more in just 4 years, and how to align your spending with your goals and values to create a life you love.
FIREwalkers Podcast: Live at FinCon 2019 At 11:48, Becky gives her #1 piece of advice for women in their twenties.
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