This year I decided to create a visual of my goals in the form of a dream board. I first defined my goals for the year and a list of things that I want to experience or achieve. Then I wrote a list of words that represented these goals and achievements, and then I searched for these keywords on Pinterest. I used picmonkey to create the grid of photos you see below. I printed it to keep in the front of the binder that will function as my planner for the year. The binder/planner is a new system that is getting a test drive this year – its purpose is to keep me moving towards my goals day by day so by the end of the year I have achieved them.
- Smoothie bowl: Nourish my body by eating healthy and mostly vegan. I have been mostly vegan since I left college, however I want to maintain a focus on this diet and create a variety of meal plans to help me stay on track.
- Girl cleansing face: Create and maintain a skincare routine. It’s kind of ridiculous that I’m 23 and still only wash my face with water in the morning. I’ve decided to take better care of my skin and incorporate a skincare routine of cleansing, toning and moisturizing both morning and night, with occasional exfoliation and, if I’m feeling really fancy, masks.
- Lemon water: Drink warm lemon water each morning. Another item I want to add to my healthy morning routine is drinking warm lemon water. It kickstarts digestion and also hydrates!
- Paddle board on ocean: Start doing water sports and enjoying the ocean. Since I moved to the beach in October of last year, I’ve really been wanting to incorporate oceanic activities (such as paddle boarding and surfing) into my routine, so I am making that a priority this year.
- Hello adventure: Never stop seeking adventure. I am always up for a new trip or adventure and I want to continue to incorporate that into my lifestyle this year, thus the motto “Hello Adventure!”.
- Girl in tent: Hike and camp more. I love spending time in nature and I want to make sure I do more hiking and camping this year.
- Alarm clock: Wake up at 5am. I’ve always struggled with waking up early even though once I get up I am super productive! This year I want to create a habit of waking up with my alarm (no snoozing!!) at 5am each morning.
- Laptop: Blog consistently. I started this blog in August of last year and have been thinking so much about it… but not posting very much at all. This year I am making an effort to blog consistently.
- Vegetables: Find a nearby farmer’s market and start a garden. As part of my overall goal to decrease my environmental impact, I like to purchase local foods. This year I want to find a local farmers market and start a backyard garden to fulfill my veggie needs.
- Motorcycle: Get my motorcycle license. I want to get my motorcycle license this year, and I am super psyched to take the training class and get riding.
- White notebooks: Reduce posessions and go paperless. I like to consider myself a fledgeling minimalist, but I still struggle with having too much stuff. This year I will focus on not accumulating more stuff, reducing my posessions, and getting rid of all my physical paperwork to go paperless.
- Bicycle: Explore my new area. Since I just moved to a new place, I want to hop on my bike and explore what it has to offer!
Some other, non-pictured goals I have include meal-prepping once a week and decluttering my digital stuff like photos and computer files. And a few other activities I have on my list for 2017 include getting my boat license (so I can drive ALL the vehicles!), seeing the solar eclipse, and running on the boardwalk.
Your Turn:
What are your goals for the new year?
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