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Add the podcast to any RSS Feed Reader: http://findyourfreedom.libsyn.com/rss
Also Available On:
Google Play Music, iHeart Radio, TuneIn, and BeyondPod.
About Find Your Freedom
It IS possible to become free from debt, financial worry, your boss, and your zip code. Join Becky and her guests to learn how you can find financial freedom and start living your ideal life.
This podcast shares the stories of women who have become debt-free, achieved financial independence, quit their jobs, started their own businesses, traveled the world, and defined freedom for themselves.
About the Host
Becky Neubauer, the host of the Find Your Freedom Podcast and founder of TwentyFree, teaches twenty-somethings the principles of financial independence and lifestyle design through coaching, blogging, and podcasting.
She graduated college with $100,000 in debt, and paid off over $70,000 in less than 2 years. Then she started investing, and saved $100,000 in less than 5 years. She quit her corporate job to start her own business and now has the freedom to travel and work from anywhere.
Becky believes that you can enjoy your twenties to the fullest while pursuing financial freedom and creating a life you love. Her mission in life is to help others achieve lifestyle and financial freedom, so that they can make their greatest impact on the world.
Want to share your story?
Please fill out this podcast guest questionnaire and see this page for the list of topics that Becky is currently looking to interview about.
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