What does it mean to be semi-retired? Lauren Keys is semi-retired and covers her living expenses on a part-time income. She’s taken multiple mini-retirements on her path to financial independence, in order to travel and try out her ideal lifestyle.
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Today’s Guest
Lauren Keys from Trip of a Lifestyle
You’ll Learn
- How a career break can actually help your career
- Creating a sustainable lifestyle of part-time work
- Ways to save six-figures on two teacher’s salaries
Articles from Trip of a Lifestyle
- Our Graduation Road Trip Took Us 17,000 Miles in 45 Days
- How We Took a 6-Month Hawaii Honeymoon for $0
- How Two Twenty-Somethings Visited Every National Park
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[…] Lauren Keys from Trip of a Lifestyle used two mini-retirements as forced job-hopping opportunities which helped her be better compensated for skills she had learned at her previous job and find a workplace with a better culture and benefits. Additionally, when she came back from her mini-retirements, she felt more refreshed and motivated to do great work. Find out more about Lauren’s mini-retirements and re-entry into the workforce in Episode 44. […]
[…] selling it at the end of their trip instead of paying rental car costs. Listen to their story in Episode 44, where Lauren shares how they completed their trip without spending any of their […]
[…] Lauren Keys from Trip of a Lifestyle used two mini-retirements as forced job-hopping opportunities which helped her be better compensated for skills she had learned at her previous job and find a workplace with a better culture and benefits. Additionally, when she came back from her mini-retirements, she felt more refreshed and motivated to do great work. Find out more about Lauren’s mini-retirements and re-entry into the workforce in Episode 44. […]