Are you looking for how to retire early? Welcome to the financial independence, retire early (or FIRE) movement! When it comes time for your early retirement, there is no better feeling than knowing that all of your hard work has paid off, and now it’s time to relax and enjoy life! This guide will help […]
Living your ideal lifestyle isn’t going to happen on accident – you need a plan to get there. From resources on lifestyle design and daydream-worthy inspiration to systems for creating habits and setting goals, everything you need to create your freedom plan can be found here.
A goal without a plan is just a wish.
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
29 Best Game Night Ideas For Family & Friends

You love playing games with your family and friends but don’t always have great ideas for what to play. There’s nothing worse than having no entertainment when you’ve got the gang together! No worries, we’ve got 29 of the best game night ideas your family and friends will want to play again and again. This […]
Creative Ways to Pay Off Debt: Weird Ways That Actually Work!
How to Get Out of Debt It’s hard to stay motivated when trying to pay off debt. You might feel stuck in a never-ending cycle of payments and interest rates. It can feel like you’ll never get out from under your debt. You’re not alone – over 44 million Americans are struggling with the same […]
- Habits + Goals
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How to Achieve Financial Independence: 8 Tips and Tricks

Most people want to achieve financial independence but don’t know how. To help you achieve financial independence, below are eight actionable tips and tricks that anyone can use to attain financial freedom. Whether you’re starting or are already on your way, these tips will help you get closer to your goal. What is Financial Independence? […]
- Lifestyle Design
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A Step-by-Step Guide To Planning a Mini-Retirement

How can you make a mini-retirement happen? There are 3 P’s to taking a mini-retirement: purpose, plan, and prepare. You have to decide on the purpose of your mini-retirement, plan how you will afford it financially, and prepare for travel and time off. I’ll discuss these in detail, and provide a case study of my […]
- Lifestyle Design
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What Is a Mini-Retirement and Is It Possible For You?

Have you ever wished that you could take an adult gap-year? Just blow off your job and travel somewhere for an extended period of time, or even have a staycation where you could actually enjoy your home and your family without the constant demands of work? That’s what a mini-retirement can do for you. What […]
How I Can Afford To Take A Year Off To Travel

My partner Austin and I are taking a mini-retirement in 2021. This year, we’ve been converting a 2010 Sprinter cargo van into a custom tiny house on wheels. When we’re done building, we plan to hit the road for about 12 months to travel to all of the states and national parks in the lower […]
Balancing Financial Independence and Lifestyle Design

Financial independence and lifestyle design are compatible topics that are often seen as at odds with each other. However, financial independence and lifestyle design do not have to be consecutive goals, where you design your lifestyle after achieving financial independence. Rather, they are goals that should be pursued simultaneously. Most people pursue financial independence and […]
Working From Home Tips: How To Be Productive & Manage Your Time While Working Remotely

Last year, working from home might have sounded like a dream come true for workers who wanted more flexibility, less micro-managing, and fewer interruptions. Working from home means no more morning and evening commutes in rush hour traffic and a better chance of achieving a good work/life balance. Now, working from home is the […]
- Lifestyle Design
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8 Powerful Strategies For Managing Stress During a Crisis

As the world experiences COVID-19, people are facing enormous stress and anxiety. Managing that stress can be overwhelming. If you are finding it hard to manage your stress during this crisis, here are some actionable ways you can manage (and even prevent) feelings of stress and anxiety during a crisis. 1. Identify signs of stress […]
The Secret to Complete Freedom: Financial Independence

What if you never needed to work again, and you could still live the life of your dreams? This is possible through a concept called Financial Independence (also known as FI). When you’re financially independent, you don’t rely on income from a job to pay for your basic needs or wants. You aren’t living paycheck to […]
- Lifestyle Design
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There’s no better time than NOW

I don’t think anyone likes commuting to work. The otherwise productive morning time you could be using for a myriad of more pleasurable or useful things (namely sleeping more or sitting down to eat breakfast) is spent sitting in a car, in a herd of other people sitting in other cars, eyes captive but […]
- Habits + Goals
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How to Track Progress Towards Your Goals for More Success

Do you set goals, and then get off track or forget about them because life gets busy? Or do you get to December and realize you have no clue if you’ve come close to reaching your goals or resolutions for the year? Don’t worry, you are not alone. In fact, a study from the University […]
- Habits + Goals
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How to Create a Gorgeous Vision Board Using PicMonkey

Vision boards are a beautiful and effective way to visualize your goals and make your resolutions display-worthy! Visualizing your goals, and keeping them visible at all times will make sure you are keeping what you want to achieve at the very front of your mind. This will make you more likely to achieve what you […]
- Habits + Goals
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How to Create an Eye-Catching Vision Board in Canva

Vision boards are a beautiful and effective way to visualize your goals and make your resolutions display-worthy! Visualizing your goals, and keeping them visible at all times will make sure you are keeping what you want to achieve at the very front of your mind. This will make you more likely to achieve what you […]
- Habits + Goals
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How to Make a Vision Board That Actually Works

A vision board (also known as a dream board) that actually works is one that you look back on at the end of the year and say “yeah, I’ve done all of that!” Here are actionable steps to turn your vision board from merely beautiful to actually functional. Your vision board can, and will, […]
- Habits + Goals
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SMART Financial Goals You Need to Set Right Now

Have you achieved your past goals, and now you’re ready to move on to something bigger and better? Or maybe you looked back and realized that your financial life could use a little structure in the form of goals to get the ball rolling again? It is typical to set goals at the end of the […]
- Habits + Goals
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6 Simple SMART Goal Templates to Make Goal Setting Insanely Easy (and Effective!)

SMART Goal Templates will help you goals the right way, so you can actually achieve them. There’s no doubt about it – setting SMART goals is the best way to make sure you actually achieve your goals. It’s amazing how setting SMART goals provides clarity as well as the focus needed to get the most […]
- Habits + Goals
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Conquer Your Goals: How To Set SMART Goals That Will Help You Get Shit Done

SMART goal setting will totally disrupt the vicious cycle of setting goals and then not achieving them. Have you ever felt like you’ve been working towards a goal FOREVER, but realize that you’re not getting anywhere? Reflect on the past four or five years. Is there a pile of new year’s resolutions, morning routines and […]
- Habits + Goals
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2018 Goals – Dream Board

I began the habit of creating a visual representation of my goals in the form of a dream board in 2017. I kept it in the cover of my planning binder to keep my aspirations front-of-mind every day. Below is my 2018 dream board. Related Posts: How to Make a Vision Board that Actually Works […]