How Much Should I Save Each Month?

This article originally appeared on and was re-published here with permission. (graphic created by Becky Neubauer for TheSavvyCouple) Have you thought to yourself, “How much should I save each month?” but never found a satisfying answer? There are different ways to approach this question, and it can be overwhelming to decide the right amount […]

How to Achieve Financial Independence: 8 Tips and Tricks

Smiling woman holding stack of cash because she is financially independent

Most people want to achieve financial independence but don’t know how. To help you achieve financial independence, below are eight actionable tips and tricks that anyone can use to attain financial freedom. Whether you’re starting or are already on your way, these tips will help you get closer to your goal. What is Financial Independence? […]

How To Be Financially Literate: 5 Fundamental Concepts

Person counting money

According to a recent survey, nearly two-thirds of Americans can’t pass basic financial literacy tests. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) findings reveal a troubling lack of financial knowledge among Americans. Only 34 percent of survey respondents could correctly answer all five questions on a basic financial literacy test.  The numbers are even lower when it comes […]

Cut Your Car Costs: Simple Ways to Save Money on Transportation

Transportation costs are a significant portion of most people’s budgets. They’re actually one of the top 3 expenses, along with housing and food.  In addition to the cost of your car, you also have to consider the maintenance, insurance, fuel, and other expenses associated with owning a vehicle and getting around. What are some ways […]