Are you looking for how to retire early? Welcome to the financial independence, retire early (or FIRE) movement! When it comes time for your early retirement, there is no better feeling than knowing that all of your hard work has paid off, and now it’s time to relax and enjoy life! This guide will help […]
Saving money is the other half of the financial independence equation. Cutting costs where it matters will make a world of difference when it comes to affording your ideal lifestyle. These articles discuss new ways to reduce your expenses while still living your life to the fullest.
How To Stop Spending Money

This article originally appeared on and was re-published here with permission. Are you wondering how to stop spending money on things you don’t need? Or maybe you’re worried that your overspending is making it hard for you to save money. You’re not alone! Many people struggle with spending too much money, but it doesn’t […]
How Much Should I Save Each Month?

This article originally appeared on and was re-published here with permission. (graphic created by Becky Neubauer for TheSavvyCouple) Have you thought to yourself, “How much should I save each month?” but never found a satisfying answer? There are different ways to approach this question, and it can be overwhelming to decide the right amount […]
6 Best Ways To Save For College

This article originally appeared on and was re-published here with permission. You’re not alone if you want to start saving money for your kid’s college education but are still determining the best way to do it. The options for college savings are overwhelming, and it’s hard to know where to start! Like many parents, […]
Creative Ways to Pay Off Debt: Weird Ways That Actually Work!
How to Get Out of Debt It’s hard to stay motivated when trying to pay off debt. You might feel stuck in a never-ending cycle of payments and interest rates. It can feel like you’ll never get out from under your debt. You’re not alone – over 44 million Americans are struggling with the same […]
- Habits + Goals
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How to Achieve Financial Independence: 8 Tips and Tricks

Most people want to achieve financial independence but don’t know how. To help you achieve financial independence, below are eight actionable tips and tricks that anyone can use to attain financial freedom. Whether you’re starting or are already on your way, these tips will help you get closer to your goal. What is Financial Independence? […]
How To Be Financially Literate: 5 Fundamental Concepts

According to a recent survey, nearly two-thirds of Americans can’t pass basic financial literacy tests. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) findings reveal a troubling lack of financial knowledge among Americans. Only 34 percent of survey respondents could correctly answer all five questions on a basic financial literacy test. The numbers are even lower when it comes […]
Eliminate Debt Stress: 8 Steps To Reduce Financial Anxiety

Did you know that debt is one of the leading causes of stress in the United States? In fact, a study by Northwestern Mutual found that “money worries” are the number one cause of stress for Americans. And when it comes to debt, those money worries can be incredibly stressful. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by […]
Top 10 Strategies For Building Generational Wealth Today

Do you want to know how to build generational wealth? Building a financial legacy and offering your family stability, freedom, and opportunity may seem intimidating, but don’t worry! You can take steps and rise from your humble beginnings by reading our guide on the top 10 strategies for building generational wealth today. You’ll find everything […]
What Is Net Worth & Why Does It Matter?

Net worth is a simple calculation that gives you an overview of your financial health and your wealth. The simple equation is assets minus liabilities, or in other words, what you own minus what you owe. The higher your net worth, the wealthier you are. The equation written out would look like: assets – liabilities […]
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10 Steps To Paying Off Your Student Loans Fast

Did you graduate with a ton of student debt? I’ve been there. Here’s a step-by-step guide for new graduates who have student debt or anyone who wants to start paying off their student loans. This article outlines the 10 crucial steps to pay off your student debt faster and reduce the overall amount your student […]
Spend Less on Groceries: Easy Ideas to Cut Your Food Budget in Half

Food is one of the biggest 3 expenses in most people’s budgets (along with housing and transportation). So, it makes sense to cut down this expense category in order to save money! Save more money and cut your food budget in half by making some of these easy changes. You don’t have to stop eating […]
Cut Your Car Costs: Simple Ways to Save Money on Transportation

Transportation costs are a significant portion of most people’s budgets. They’re actually one of the top 3 expenses, along with housing and food. In addition to the cost of your car, you also have to consider the maintenance, insurance, fuel, and other expenses associated with owning a vehicle and getting around. What are some ways […]
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67 Ways To Reduce Your 3 Biggest Expenses

Some common financial advice you’ll hear is that small everyday expenses add up. By cutting out a daily $3 latte, you could save $1,000 a year! The match checks out. However, I’d argue that you’d be better off focusing your efforts on your biggest 3 expenses, rather than on small, everyday purchases. I’m a big […]
The 8 Best Ways To Save Money on Housing (For Renters and Homeowners)

One of the biggest challenges in personal finance is figuring out ways to spend less money — and one of the best ways to accomplish that is to cut down on your housing expenses. If you are like most Americans, housing is your single largest monthly expense. Implement some of the tips below to reduce […]
How To Manage Your Money In 10 Minutes a Month

Who has time to spend constantly moving money around to different accounts to make sure they’re saving and investing enough, and paying their bills on time? Not me! Because I’m lazy, I’ve found the best no-effort way to save and invest: automation. This article covers how to automate your finances so you don’t have to […]
Secrets to Saving Money with a No-Spend Challenge

A no-spend challenge is committing to only spend money on things you consider necessities for a certain period of time. It is a great opportunity to reconnect with your priorities and align your spending to your values. During a no spend challenge, you can also seek out money you were wasting, and stop the flow! […]
5 Steps to a Successful No-Spend Challenge

A no spend challenge is when you challenge yourself to not spend in certain categories for a certain period of time. You can do it for a week, a month or a year, and you can customize it to fit your needs and goals. Obviously, you will need to spend money on necessities, but even […]
Save Thousands This Year With A Saving Challenge

Have you ever wished you had so much money that you could easily afford to take a last minute vacation to a tropical island when your friend invites you, or to drop an envelope of cash containing the downpayment on your dream house in the realtor’s office as soon as you see that gorgeous […]
Budget-Friendly Gifts You Can Give For Christmas

Christmas is coming! The season of gift-giving is just around the corner. Do you already have gifts for your family, friends, neighbors, and officemates? Don’t worry, there’s no need to break the bank just to find something nice. Here’s a list of budget friendly gifts (that you can make at the last minute too!) […]