Is your payday still a week away? Are you trying to figure out how to make money fast this week? Making more money is always a great idea, but finding the time to fit in a second job? Well, that’s a lot more difficult. Fortunately, we are now lucky enough to be living in […]
Earning money is half of the equation when it comes to achieving financial independence, and the good new is — the sky is the limit. Read on for ideas and practical ways to earn more while working smarter, not harder.
2017 Review – $27k Student Loans Paid Off + $17k Saved + $950 Spent Per Month

In this post, I’ll discuss the strategies I used to: Pay off $27,600 of student loans this year; Save a $10,000 emergency fund in 4 months; Increase my net worth by $40,000 this year; Live on less than $1,000 a month, while traveling and enjoying life; and Save $6,900 for investing in 2 months. […]
2016 Review – Paying Off $33k in Student Loans + Living on $4,500

In 2016, my expenses were less than $4,500, but I still had a lot of fun – after all, my main priority is enjoying my twenties while aggressively paying off my student loans. I went to a few festivals, including a brew festival, a music festival, and a chowder festival (who knew that was a […]