Black Lives Matter: A Letter to the TwentyFree Community

Dear reader,

I am protesting against the violence, racism and police brutality that the black community in America has faced for far too long. I want to make it very clear – Black Lives Matter.

I will not tolerate any racism in my community, and I promise to use my platform to discuss and spread diversity. If this bothers you, I invite you to leave immediately. Do not leave a comment, do not pass go. Leave.

I want to let you know that I am an ally to the black community.

I am open if you need anything – don’t hesitate to email me at becky[at]twentyfree[dot]co or on any social platform @twentyfreeco.

What does this have to do with money?

Everything. Money and race are inextricably linked. So are money and gender. So are money and a variety of other factors. Personal finance educators do a huge disservice to our communities if we ignore how impactful these factors are to personal finances.

As you may know, I started the Find Your Freedom Podcast to share the voices of women in a personal finance community that I felt was largely ignoring the realities of how gender and race are intertwined with money issues like income, access, education, and generational wealth. That is why I ask every guest to share their background and early financial life as part of their story.

Why am I talking about politics?

I’m not. Being anti-racism, anti-murder, and anti-brutality is not a political issue. It is a human issue. Saying black lives matter is not taking a political stance. It is valuing the lives of other human beings, which is a moral issue, not a political one.


A core value of TwentyFree and the Find Your Freedom podcast is diversity and inclusion of all kinds. That’s one of the reasons I started the podcast – to add women’s stories to a largely non-diverse conversation around money.

I seek guests that represent many types of diversity, including race, sexual orientation, and background. However, I have to acknowledge that despite overt intentions of diversity within this podcast, I have failed to adequately represent people of color.

My Promise

I promise that I will do better. I promise that I will not just talk about how much I care about diversity and representation, I will take action to ensure that the voices of women of color are elevated and shared. I promise that I will use my platform, and my privilege, to speak out and take action against injustice in the world.

I promise that I have your back, and that I see and I feel your frustration, pain and outrage. I stand in solidarity, as an ally to the black community. My ultimate goal is to disassemble systemic racism any way I can.

To be clear: I am not perfect. I will stumble. I encourage you to correct me when I am wrong, but I do not expect others to educate me. I am learning every day and taking action on what I learn, as I always encourage every one of my readers and podcast listeners to do.

The Podcast

There’s no interview on the podcast this week.

I have recorded a short 2-minute episode, indicating why I am not releasing the podcast as regularly scheduled, and discussing more of what I mentioned above.

I encourage you to use the time you would have spent listening to this podcast episode to educate yourself and learn how you can help.

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I’ve included links to anti-racism resources, such as places to donate, ways to educate yourself, and how to take political action at If you have resources that you would like to contribute to this list, please comment on that post.

Take Action.

Now more than ever, I encourage you to take action. I encourage you to use your voice to speak up against racism and injustice. To lift up others, and to elevate the voices and work of people of color.

Yes, we should listen and learn. But like I always encourage you, the most important step of learning is putting your knowledge into action.

Do not tolerate racism. Do not stay silent. Do something.

With all my heart,


P.S. A note to my fellow white allies

2 Replies to “Black Lives Matter: A Letter to the TwentyFree Community”

  1. […] Here is the letter I wrote to my community about this. Here is the 2-minute podcast episode I released in place of a standard podcast episode. Here is my note to white allies. […]

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