Podcast Guest FAQ

Welcome to Find Your Freedom Podcast

I am thrilled to have you as a guest on the Find Your Freedom Podcast. Please read through the information below and follow the steps at the end of this page.


The content at TwentyFree is written/recorded for women in their 20s who are in search of financial and lifestyle freedom. The main topics are money, travel, and life, which we approach through the lens of intentional lifestyle design.

I interview awesome women who share their stories, financial journeys, and lifestyle evolutions. Let’s make it highly inspirational, educational and actionable for the audience, so they can learn something new and walk away from the podcast bursting with inspiration of how they can design their finances and life.


One of the most exciting things about podcasting is the collaboration between the guest and the host. We are coming together to create something totally unique that can benefit, inspire, engage, and educate both of our audiences.

I’ll share your story with my audience, which will help inspire and educate them, and will give you publicity. I’ll also develop a show notes page with a guest section featuring your photo, a bio, and links to your work. Finally, you and I will promote the episode together, sharing it via social media and email. I will pre-prepare social media images and suggested language to make this super easy for you.


The format is a free-flow conversation on the topics we agreed upon — very flexible and friendly.

You’re welcome to take a look at previous episodes to get a feel for how the interviews are conducted.

Since I want to make the episodes highly informational and actionable for the audience, I like to dive into the details, if you are comfortable with sharing your numbers.

The Numbers

Prior to the interview, we will discuss your comfort level with sharing the answers to any of these questions, and specificity desired. These questions will likely be mixed in with other interview questions, or you can choose to share when a related question arises.

Detail-oriented questions around numbers include:

  • How old are you? (can be a range, i.e. late twenties, mid-thirties)
  • How old were you when you started pursuing FI/took a mini retirement/retired? (can be # of years prior to now)
  • How much do you earn yearly? (can be a range)
  • What’s your career field? (can be general or specific)
  • How much do you spend (on average) yearly? (can be a range)
  • How much did [certain event/thing] cost? (i.e. mini-retirement, house, rental property, sabbatical)

Background Questions

Here are two questions I usually ask to dive into your background and experiences, to draw out what makes you unique. I think these questions can really help the audience connect to your story and see how your journey has progressed.

Tell me a little about how your personal experiences have shaped your personality and perspectives on money and life?

What I’m looking for is a quick overview of your story: where you’re from, your ethnic/gender/family background, and unique things background that informed your financial past and your financial present. Tell me about your “early financial life”. What I’m looking to hear is where you started financially – when did you start working, what field, what kinds of support/education did you have, what major mistakes did you make?

Rapid Fire Questions

At the end of the interview, I will ask you 3-5 “rapid fire” questions, which you should give short answers to (1 to 3 sentences).

Common rapid fire questions include:

  • What does freedom mean to you?
  • What would you do if you could retire right now?
  • What would you do if you could never retire?
  • If you could go back in time, what one piece of financial or lifestyle advice would you give yourself in your early 20s?

Your Social Platforms

In the outro, I will ask you where everyone can find you online to learn more about you. Please be prepared to plug your website URL, social media handles, book title and where it can be purchased, etc. Consider sharing 2-4 platforms. I am happy that my podcast episodes can provide publicity for my guests, and I want to make sure that the attention of my audience is directed towards a few specific platforms you are most interested in sharing.

Time Goal

The time goal for the entire interview is about 60 minutes. We will schedule a 90 minute block in order to have time to address technical issues, and to chat/answer any questions or concerns prior to recording the interview. This way, we’ll have plenty of time and we won’t feel rushed.

Recording & Technical Details

We’ll be talking over Zoom— I’ll share the link to our interview “room”, where I will meet you at the scheduled time. The main recording will be performed through Zoom.

  • When we schedule the interview, you will get a confirmation email and calendar event with the Zoom link.
  • Please be sure to download Zoom before our interview (https://zoom.us/support/download).
  • When we get together for the recording, click on the Zoom link in the calendar invitation.
  • Make sure you’re using your laptop or a desktop computer (not a mobile device).
  • Make sure you’re wearing a pair of plug-in (over the ear or in-ear) headphones with a mic. Otherwise, my voice will leak into your audio track, which isn’t good. Apple headphones typically work well if you have them.
  • A professional microphone is a plus, but you shouldn’t worry if you don’t have one.
  • Once you’re in Zoom, please make sure you select the correct mic, which is your headphone mic or professional mic rather than the built-in computer mic (the program will prompt you).
  • Try to eliminate noise and distractions. Sit in a quiet place, turn off sounds on your phone, and move your phone off the surface where your computer is sitting, in case of vibrations.
  • We’ll record both audio and video in most cases. If you would prefer not to record video, please just let me know and we can do an audio-only show.
  • The general recommendation is to speak slower: we all tend to go fast like the time is running out (and it’s actually not).
  • Try to relax and be yourself: the format is very free-form, friendly, and forgiving.

Your Next Steps

Here’s what you should do next:

  1. Schedule a time for the interview (if you haven’t already), using the Calendly link I sent you.
  2. Make sure the interview is on your calendar. You can find an “add to calendar” link in the confirmation email you will recieve after scheduling.
  3. Respond to my follow up email regarding headshots/bios by attaching your headshot and bio.
  4. Email me if you have any questions before the interview.
  5. If you need to cancel or reschedule the interview, please do so at least 24 hours prior to the original time. You can use the links at the bottom of the calendar invitation to cancel or reschedule.
  6. Show up in Zoom at the scheduled time, in a quiet place and wearing headphones with a microphone.
  7. After our interview, recommend anyone else you think would be a good fit as an interviewee on the podcast.
  8. When I send you the social media images and posts, please share with your audience.

If you ever have any questions, please get in touch at becky [at] twentyfree [dot] co. I’m looking forward to our conversation!
