I began the habit of creating a visual representation of my goals in the form of a dream board in 2017. I kept it in the cover of my planning binder to keep my aspirations front-of-mind every day. Below is my 2018 dream board.
Related Posts:
- How to Make a Vision Board that Actually Works
- How to Create an Eye-Catching Vision Board in Canva
- How to Create a Gorgeous Vision Board Using PicMonkey
How to Make a Dream Board
- Define your goals for the year, including a list of things that you want to experience or achieve. I always do a review of the previous year’s goals, and then think about what I want to get done in my four main categories of Health, Freedom, Happiness, and Purpose.
- Write a list of words that represent these goals and achievements. I also create a “theme” for the year using a few of these words.
- Search for these keywords on Pinterest to find attractive pictures for your dream board. I will save a few pictures for each keyword because I want the photos to look good together.
- Use a collage maker to put them together in whatever format you like. I used PicMonkey to create the grid of photos you see below. I move the photos around into different formats to make sure the dream board looks balanced.
- Print the dream board and keep it somewhere you will see it every day. I printed mine to keep in the front of the binder that will function as my planner for the year. The binder/planner was a system I implemented last year to keep me moving towards my goals day by day so by the end of the year I have achieved them.
- Teardrop Trailer: Build a teardrop trailer (dubbed the “microhouse”). Construct the microhouse, which will be a teardrop trailer we plan to tow with my partner’s Honda Civic for insane savings on gas and a free hotel alternative when we travel. This is also a learning ground and a test run for the tiny house project.
- 2018 Journal: Journaling and gratitude practice. I am starting a daily journaling practice in the 5 minute journal that will focus on gratitude and positivity. I am hoping this practice will make me more mindful of the great things I have in my life and more happy and positive overall.
- Vegetables: Find a nearby farmer’s market and eat more local fresh veggies. This was on my dream board last year too. I achieved one goal – starting my own garden! This year, I will re-plant the garden, and I will find a farmer’s market in order to incorporate more local fresh veggies into my diet.
- Smile: Floss on the reg. OK, so I have to admit here that the only time I am really consistent about flossing is when I have a dentist appointment within the next week. Since I see the truth in the saying “you only have to floss the teeth you want to keep,” and I want to keep all of mine, I am going to make this a daily habit this year.
- Yoga on the beach: Rekindle my yoga practice. I have practiced yoga on and off since I was a teenager. Now, I want to really get back into my yoga practice by doing a flow each morning (on the beach in the summer!), and attending some classes.
- Laptop: Blog consistently. This was also on my list in 2017. I started this blog in August of 2016 and have been thinking so much about it… but still not posting very much at all. This year I am making a renewed effort to blog consistently.
- Bullet Journal: Track progress towards goals / bullet journaling. Last year I started tracking my progress towards my goals using a planning binder. This year, I am also going to incorporate a goal setting journal practice using the “bullet journal” method.
- What we think, we become: Cultivate more mindfulness. I want to become more mindful for many reasons, including living in the present, and appreciating all of the beauty life has to offer.
- Reading: Read more, look at my phone less. I love reading – it’s a great way to learn, grow, and relax – but I haven’t done much “extracurricular” reading since high school. I find that the time I used to spend reading before bed is now sucked up by scrolling mindlessly through my phone. I intend to change that by reading at least 12 books this year.
- Kayak: Start doing water sports and enjoying the ocean. This was also one of my goals in 2017. Since I moved to the beach in October 2016, I’ve really been wanting to incorporate oceanic activities (such as ocean kayaking, paddle boarding and surfing) into my routine, so I am making that a priority this year. It even has a line item on my 2018 Spending Plan!
- Meditating woman: Begin a daily meditation practice. Linked with my goal of mindfulness, I also want to begin meditating daily, since it will help me think more clearly, reduce my stress, and increase my productivity. I go into more depth on this topic in my 2018 Theme post.
- People on mountaintop: Hike and camp more – in Canada. Just like in 2017, I love spending time in nature and I want to make sure I do more hiking and camping this year. Now that we will have the microhouse, we can do a bit of “glamping,” and we intend to take a two week trip in August to drive all around Canada with it!
Some other, non-pictured goals I have include meal-prepping once a week and decluttering my digital stuff like photos and computer files (since I didn’t fully achieve either of these goals last year). And a few other activities I have on my to-do list for 2017 include running on the boardwalk, long boarding to see more sunsets, and having a campfire on the beach.
The habits I will be tracking daily include: getting up when my alarm goes off; getting up by a certain time (progressively earlier throughout the year) on weekdays and weekends; working on the blog; meditating; reading before bed; flossing; completing my monthly workout challenge (#ChallengeYear); working towards my Year of Less challenge; using a journal to track my goals and to-dos; completing the 5 minute journal; and doing yoga.
Tracking Progress Towards Goals
- Make your goals S.M.A.R.T. That stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. Creating a dream board is the first step towards visualizing your goals, however you have to be specific if you want to be able to measure your progress towards them. For example, a SMART goal is “I will post a new blog post once a week each week this year for a total of 52 new posts by December 31, 2018.”
- Separate Goals from To Dos. My dream board represents a mix of my goals for the year, which I write out S.M.A.R.T. goals for, and to-dos, which I can just cross off the list. For example, beginning a daily meditation practice is a goal that can be tracked, and hiking and camping more is a to-do (when I go to Canada, I will cross that off my list).
- Keep your goals in one place. I make a spreadsheet with my goals for each month and each quarter. Then I print it and keep it in my planning binder, where I will see my goals daily.
- Set milestones. My goals spreadsheet has monthly milestones for me to achieve on the path towards cultivating a habit or achieving a specific task. That way, when I review at the end of the month, I can check off whether or not that milestone has been reached.
- Review your goals regularly. Review your goals at least once a week (although daily is good as well) to keep them in the front of your mind. Then, review your progress towards those goals using milestones once a month, once a quarter, and at the end of the year.
- Use a goal-tracking app. By using the Streaks app to track my progress towards certain goals, I get a visual representation of how often I am performing an action that I want to cultivate as a habit.
Resources for Effective Goal Setting:
- Conquer Your Goals: How to Set SMART Goals That Will Help You Get Shit Done
- 6 SMART Goal Templates to Make Goal Setting Insanely Easy + Effective
- SMART Financial Goals You Need To Set Right Now
Your Turn:
What are your goals for the new year?
This is very inspiring! Some really useful tips to help with goal setting, tracking and achieving! Thank you!!
We have some similar goals for 2018. Wishing us both good luck in both achieving them, and enjoying the moments that make up the journey!!! Xxx
Hi Kat,
I’m glad you found the post helpful! Wishing you luck in your journey and goals as well 🙂
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